
Civic Engagement

Civic engagement describes how individuals become involved in their community to make a positive difference in the lives of their fellow citizens. Drawing on the ideology of communitarianism, the active involvement of people through civic engagement seeks to secure the common good. The success of civic engagement activities depends on the tendency of people to consider themselves to be an integral part of society and therefore view problems facing society to be at least partly their own. Such people recognize the moral and civic impact of problems facing their community and are willing to work to correct them. Lita if formed by the people, for the people and therefore forms a collective voice of the people for the people. Lita’s strengths lie in its close fabric ties it forms among the people. We work with, and for the people. Community problems are solved by the people in the context of the people. We, therefore, promote and empower the people to participate in and work in love and solidarity to stamp out all that grips the facets of societal life. People participation is integral part of what we do.

civic engagement & collective power

Electoral Participation

The activities of civic engagement seek to address issues in several major aspects of society including family life, the economy, education, health, the environment, and politics. Similarly, acts of civic engagement can take several forms including individual volunteerism, engaging in communitywide projects, and participation in the processes of democracy. It should be noted that these forms of participation are often interrelated. That is, participation in the political and electoral process often helps address problems in other community societal areas such as the economy, police policy, and public health. For example, working or volunteering to help elect community leaders who support low-income housing can help relieve homelessness.

Electoral participation,
volunteerism, & advocacy or activism.

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